I then created a policy based route to direct specific traffic towards the VPN tunnel by specifying the 10.x.x.x address you found earlier under Monitoring -> Routing I then changed the Administrative Distance of my normal static default route to 1, this causes your traffic to flow back over your normal internet connection. If you do not see the 10.x.x.x address as next-hop you will need to remove a static route (you'll recognise the one if you see it)

Under routing monitoring you can see that the default route changed to a 10.x.x.x address as next-hop. What i did is setup the L2TP client according to their instructions but skip the routing part at the end. This procedure works but then you will run into speed limitation of the L2TP setup. On the website of Nordvpn there is a description on how to setup an L2TP connection initiated from you WAN interface. Yes it is possible to use a Fortigate as a VPN client, took me a long while to figure out there i'm relatively new to the Fortigate world but helped my learning curve greatly! Late reply but maybe you are still looking for it and otherwise i might help someone else with it.